Code and Oath
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Code and Oath

Karate Creed

I come to you with only Karate - Empty Hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate - my empty hands.

Code of Isshinryu

1.A person's heart is the same as heaven and earth.
2.The Blood Circulating is similar to the moon and the sun.
3.A manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft.
4.A person's unbalance is the same as a weight.
5.The body should be able to change direction at any time.
6.The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself.
7.They eye must see all sides.
8.The ear must listen in all directions.

FSIK Student Oath

* We will seek the true meaning of Isshinryu so that we may grow physically, mentally and with confidence.
* We will conduct ourselves, at all times, in a way that brings respect and honor to Isshinryu, our dojo and ourselves.
* We will treat others with respect and be helpful to those overcoming obstacles we have faced in Isshinryu.
* We will never ignore the roots of Isshinryu.
* We will continue to grow in understanding and pass that understanding on to others with a positive spirit.